Hop drying
Hop drying
Hops must be dried to be storable. There are two hop-growing regions in Austria. The Austrian hop farmers produce for the regional market. The hop-growing area in the Holledau, which is the world’ s largest with 1500 hectares, is much bigger in size. Production in Holledau is for global markets.
Similar to hay drying, hop drying is done in layers. However, with much lower fill heights and with separate floors. Hop is dried in a so-called hop kiln. The kiln consists of 4 floors filled with hop. The topmost floor is the most humid. The lowest one is the driest. The drying air in the hop kiln is usually brought to 65°C.
Biomass kilns save money in the hop kiln
Landritherm warm air heaters are available in the power classes 150kW, 250kW, 750 kW and 2500kW. The hot air from the woodchip-fired furnaces is produced by a specifically developed high-performance air heat exchanger.
This means that the units produce emission-free hot air without any detour via water (as is usually the case) and thus operate highly efficiently and reliably. The warm air heaters are becoming increasingly popular, especially for the hop kiln. From experience, the use of biomass warm air heaters in addition to the existing oil-fired furnace offers considerable savings potential.
An average of 8,000 to 10,000 litres of heating oil can be saved annually. This corresponds to a reduction in fossil CO2 emissions of approx. 24 to 30 tons per operation. Another key to success is the ideal integration of a biomass hot air generator into the entire drying process.
Maximum savings potential unfolds when the drying system (oil oven, air distribution, control technology) is optimally matched to the additional heat available. In view of the continuing, in part very low prices for wood chips and the simultaneously uncertain price development for heating oil, the acquisition of a biomass warm air heater is an economically absolutely sensible option. Furthermore, measures to reduce CO2 emissions are also eligible for funding.

Landritherm hot air heaters are available in a wide range of performance classes and offer great savings in heating costs compared to heating oil.
Is 65°C drying temperature a challenge?
The big difference to water-operated biomass units is the fact that our units only produce hot air without any detour via water and are therefore highly efficient. The direct route via an air heat exchanger also allows much higher outlet temperatures. Thus 65°C are realizable.
Comments from our customers

Products hot air heaters

Wood chips hot air heating
Our wood chips hot air stoves are available from 150 kW to 2500 kW nominal heat power. In contrast to cord firewood hot air stoves, wood chips based hot air stoves are fully automatic.

Pellet hot air heaters
The pellet hot-air heating systems are designed as container systems and are portable. Silos or snap-in day tanks serve as fuel containers.

Cord firewood hot air heaters
We provide wood chips and cord firewood hot air stoves with rated powers from 29 kW to 399 kW. Cord firewood based hot air generators are equipped with lifting hook and forklift pockets.

Insulated hot air hoses
Our insulated hot air hoses have a high temperature section and can therefore be connected to the hot air furnaces without any problems. The hoses are available in different diameters and lengths.

Hot air hoses
Our hot air hoses are available in a wide range of diameters and lengths. They are pressure stable up to XY. The individual hose sections are sewn and not glued.

Stainless steel smoke tube package
Our noble jet smoke pipe package is delivered suitable for the respective furnace type. The installation is simple.

Various temperature sensors
A useful accessory for all hall, workshop and construction heating systems.